With shut downs and mandatory quarantines happening all over the world, I'm sure the sheer panic of cabin fever is setting in as I type. I for one am definitely experiencing anxiety over paying bills with both my husband and I out of work at least until the end of the month. However, I'm looking at this as an opportunity, to do all of the things I never have time for...and you should too! There are so many times when we've all said, "if only I had more time, I would..."
Here's some of the things that I'm planning on doing with all of my free time.
I usually hit the gym for spin classes and weight training but there are so many amazing fitness instructors with at home workouts on youtube and instagram. My favorite one I'm following right now is Trainer Kaitlin. I also have a tendency to skip arms and abs and focus more on lower body at the gym so I'm going to spend this time trying to make gains in pull-ups and pushups, and I'm excited to see what I can accomplish!
Bake bread.
my sourdough starter is going strong and I've been baking bread pretty regularly, but I think I might work on improving the crumb and experimenting with different flavors and add ins.
Play the piano.
For Christmas, Chase got my a subscription to the Flowkey app. I've gone as far as setting my piano up and sat down only two or three times to play. I finally have the time to play everyday!
I'll be blogging here everyday, doing my Artist's Way morning pages, (if you don't know what The Artist's Way is yet, get on board; now's a great time!) as well as screenplays and standup material. How many horrible standup jokes do you think are being written about the coronavirus right now? I cringe to imagine.
This one I've started doing already. I'm organizing all the storage spaces, deep cleaning, and getting rid of things as I go. I've been seeing a lot of the ladies I follow on instagram start with this one as well. Maybe it's a biological thing. If we are going to be stuck here, we better start nesting!
Home repairs.
I have a few things that need to be done around the apartment and now is a great time to tackle them.
You better believe I'm pulling out my water colors, clay, and maybe even the sewing machine. You guys, I'm starting to think I won't have time to do all of these...this list is getting long.
I've been trying to get through a handful of books. I bet you have too.
What better time to work on your characters and impressions than when you have endless time to study them?
Pay attention to skincare.
A week at home is a really good time to do any sort of peels or retinol treatments. Since you are out of the sun, your skin can safely shed those old layers and when this is all over, we can emerge like supermodels and we will think...we should go into quarantine more often! Okay, maybe I'm getting a little carried away...
Propagate some plants!
My pathos plants are vining like crazy. It's super easy to make cutting and turn those into new plants.
Cane projects.
Do you really think I'm about to stay home for a week or more without doing any sort of cane webbing projects? Don't be ridiculous.